I live and die by my blog planner. It helps me keep track of my blog posts and plan my posts days in advance. I started using a blog planner last year and found it invaluable. I plan out at least 15 blog posts ahead of time and then I keep track of what posting is going to appear on which date and then I also keep track of the posts on Pinterest, Facebook, etc. You can also track and keep statistics on the traffic to your blog. I keep track of my posts, my future blog ideas, contacts, advertising, giveaways, etc.
I've spent several months coming up with my new 2015 Blog Planner and now it's available for you to purchase. You can download your own copy for $10.00.
BONUS: Order by January 20th and receive a a bonus: FREE list of the top 50 Blog Themes... Throwback Thursday, Mojo Monday, Feature Fridays, etc.

Do you have any other planners such as a personal planner or class planner?